The files tha_efi_calib_params.txt, thb_efi_calib_params.txt, thc_efi_calib_params.txt, thd_efi_calib_params.txt, the_efi_calib_params.txt, thf_efi_calib_params.txt contain the calibration factors for THEMIS EFI electric field data. Although the name of each file is different, the parameters used for each probe are the same, pending updates. The parameters, in order, are: CAL_PAR_TIME STRING Array[1] V_OFFSET LONG Array[6] V_GAIN FLOAT Array[6] V_UNIT STRING Array[1] EDC_OFFSET LONG Array[3] EDC_GAIN FLOAT Array[3] EAC_OFFSET LONG Array[3] EAC_GAIN FLOAT Array[3] BOOM_LENGTH FLOAT Array[3] BOOM_SHORTING_FACTOR FLOAT Array[3] DSC_OFFSET FLOAT Array[3] E_UNIT STRING Array[1] In the future, the calibration will be made time dependent, with gains and offset determined via an in-flight calibration process. The IDL save files originally contained an IDL template, and are now obsolete.